>>> Studying

Erasmus life may be exciting, crazy and easygoing but sooner or later also a foreign student will have to stay serious for at least a few hours – finding his way on the new university and organising his studying.

We want to offer a small overview about studying in Pontevedra or Spain generally – so we reflected our experiences and wrote a few informational text which should help a foreign student in the first weeks.

In “General stuff” you will find a short information about the university of Pontevedra, in “registration” you will get information about how to register on the new university, “courses” and “works” present the different courses we attented and the works we had to hand in in these certain courses.

In “pecularities” you will finally hear about smaller or bigger cultural differencies which naturally also exist in the university.

> Starting
> courses

> Introduction


> works
> pecularities
<<< all in pogress