>spainspotting - Intro

Studying six months in a foreign country with nearly zero knowledges of the its language seemed in september 2004 like the biggest challenge of our lives. But very soon we realized that this challenge is turning into a unforgettable and unique experience, an adventure which is not at all difficult, just exciting and wonderful.

“Experience” – we wanted to award sustainability to this word. So we decided to put this “experience” Galicia into bytes and pixels und create a homepage that should make a difference.

How the word "spainspotting"was given birth?

It happened on our first trip to Portugal in october 2004 and from the first moment on we knew that there couldn´t be a better and cooler name for our site.

>>>spainspotting should be understood as an information platform about the Iberian Halfisland and especially Galicia . We added a lot of useful information for foreign students, but we generally just want to provide information about the halfisland to anybody interested in going there.

We want to mediate the beauty of this part in the south of Europe by photographs, but we also added some informative text and commentaries to be able to provide all-embracing information. Important: all informations and commentaries are given from our personal point of view, therefore we claim no right for completeness or accuracy.

As exploring and finding beautiful places in nature and photography is fascinating us both, it was close to put the emphasis of our homepage on travelling and making pictures. Since childhood we are fascinated by the sea and that is why on our trips we concentrated on the Iberian coastline.

In this spirit: enjoy yourself browsing through our page and overmore we hope that we can offer you some useful information.

And dont forget to...

Choose life & Choose Spain

Robert Lecker & Thomas Borstner, september 2004, pontevedra


> information about Galicia
> information about Pontevedra (in progress)
> about Thomas
> about Robert